Frankfurt –
26 to 30 April 2023
Hybrid (Face to face
and online)
Frankfurt –
26 to 30 April 2023
Hybrid (Face to face
and online)
*All COST ACTION members are automatically enrolled in the Docomomo Conferences
zoom link
Paulsplatz 11
60311 FFM
map / website
Römerstadt (paid)
Kreativhaus Bethmannstraße
map / website

15:00 - 17:30 Core Group Meeting
Maren Harnack, Frankfurt UAS
Ana Vaz Milheiro, COST Action Chair Room
Build. 4, Room 108
17.30: Walking Tour (option)
From UAS to Campus Westend
60-90 min
09.00: MCMH Symposium - Welcome
Susanne Rägle, Vice President Frankfurt UAS Ana Vaz Milheiro, Gaia Caramellino, COST Action Chairs
09.15: MCMH Symposium - Research
Maren Harnack, Frankfurt UAS, Research FUAS Institute (Germany)
Post-war Settlements in Rhine-Maine-Region
10.00: MCMH Symposium
Session 1: Case-Studies (2 x 20min)
Jehoshua Rafael Ramos Peraza (Mexico/Spain)
Architects in favor of the protection of MCMH of the Modern Movement in Madrid
Yaneira Wilson Wetter, Yankel Fijalkow (France)
The SAPHIRE program: housing, health, and residential narratives
Build. 4, Room 111/112
10.45: MCMH Symposium
Session 2: Case-Studies (2 x 20min)
Matteo Sintini (Italy)
Reconstruction of the city, transformation of models. The neighbourhoods for the employees of IEEP and SGI in Milan
Teresa Rovira (Spain)
Good planning. The main tool to achieve good middle class mass housing
Build. 4, Room 111/112
11:30: WG1 Meeting
Publications, Atlas, Joint Journal Articles
Build. 4, Room 111/112
13.00: Lunch Break
14:00: WG2 Meeting
Publications, Atlas, Joint Journal Articles
Build. 4, Room 111/112
15:30: WG3 Meeting
Publications, Atlas, Joint Journal Articles
Build. 4, Room 111/112
17:00: WG ALL Meeting
Publications & Reports
Build. 4, Room 111/112
18:00 Free Time
19:00: Pecha Kucha Night
Neues Frankfurt meets White
City Tel Aviv
9:00: Registration Conference
Be in time to pick-up headsets
10:00: Guided Tour Paulskirche
11:00: Public Opening Conference
Mike Josef and Organizers
11:00: Public Opening Conference
Mike Josef Head of Planning City of Frankfurt
Franz Jaschke, Docomomo Germany e.V. Andrea Jürges, German Architecture Museum (DAM), Ana Vaz Milheiro, Chair Cost-Action MCMH-EU
11:30: Opening
Frankfurt Declaration
11:45: Keynote
conversion culture
Astrid Wuttke, schneider + schumacher Architekten, FFM
Frankfurt’s Housing Legacy
Moderation: Uta Pottgiesser
12:30 The political architectural history of the Paulskirche
Philipp Sturm, ernst-may-society (DE - translation)
12:40 World Heritage Application New Frankfurt
Marcus Gwechenberger, City of Frankfurt (DE - translation)
13:10 Parallelisms New Frankfurt and New Magdeburg
Christina Treutlein, ernst-may-society e.V., (DE - translation)
13:30 Lunch Break
Stadthaus, foyer 1st floor (for paying participants of the conference)
14:45 Block 1 Post-war Modernism
Parallel sessions (EN-DE)
Session 1a. Nachkriegsmoderne (DE)
Stadthaus, Seminarraum, 2. floor
Moderation: Diana Zitzmann
14:45 Nachkriegssiedlungen unter der Lupe Maren Harnack, FUAS
15:30 Diskussion
Session 1b. MCMH Case Studies 1 (EN)
Stadthaus, Großer Saal, 1st floor
Moderation: Dalit Shach-Pinsly, Gaia Caramellino
14:45 Els de Vos, Belgium
15:00 Sotiria Alexiadou (Greece) - via Zoom
Polykatoikia in Thessaloniki
15:15 Yael Allweil (Israel)
Architectural Laboratory
Session 2a. Nachkriegsmoderne (DE)
Stadthaus, Seminarraum, 2. floor
Moderation: Dorothea Roos
16:00 Umbauen statt Neubauen, Katharina Böttger, Kuratorin DAM
16:30 Upcycling statt Abriss, Ritz Ritzer, Bogevischs Büro
17:00 Diskussion
17:15 Kaffeepause, Stadthaus Foyer 1 OG
Session 2b. MCMH Case Studies 2 (EN)
Stadthaus, Großer Saal, 1st floor
Moderation: Els De Vos
16:00 Romero Cuc (Romania)
Mass housing as a playground
16:15 Dana Vais (Romania)
Gheorgheni Housing Estate
16:30 Sofia Borushkina (Italy)
Utilitarian Heritage
16:45 Vlatko P. Korobar (North Macedonia)
The Skopje City Wall Housing Complex
Session 3. Digital Documentation and Dissemination (EN)
Stadthaus, Großer Saal, 1st floor
Moderation: Anica Dragutinovic
17:45 Short Movie Series
Rediscovering Masterpieces
Fellows Projekt Shared Heritage Africa: Emmanuella
Codje, Rashid Alhassan, Immaculata Abba, Jonathan
Agbeh, Tubi Otitooluwa with Jean Molitor
18:00 Young Professional Session
Forgotten Masterpieces
Digital Champions FOMA-Project: Eyüp Özkan, Gizem
Senel, Meric Altintas Kaptan, Leon Konschake, Larissa
Guimaraes and Master-Students TH OWL
19:00 Discussion
19:15 Get Together
Aperitiv, Stadthaus, Foyer, 1. floor
8.30 MC Meeting
Ana Vaz Milheiro, Gaia Caramellino, COST Action Chairs
Seminarroom, 2nd floor
10:30 Opening
Mike Josef, City Frankfurt
10:45 Keynote
Cooperative Conditions:
Anne Kockelkorn, Susanne Schindler, Rebekka Hirschberg (UGent, Belgium, MAS GTA, USA, ETH Zürich,
10:45 Keynote
Cooperative Conditions:
Anne Kockelkorn, Susanne Schindler, Rebekka Hirschberg (UGent, Belgium, MAS GTA, USA, ETH Zürich,
Session 4a. Wohnen der Zukunft (DE)
Stadthaus, Seminarraum, 2. floor
Moderation: Franz Jaschke
11:30 Stadtteil der Quartiere
Gabu Heindl, GABU Heindl Architektur, Wien
12:30 Diskussion
12:00 SchloR – Schöner Leben ohne Rendite
Gabu Heindl, GABU Heindl Architektur, Wien
Session 4b. MCMH Case Studies 3 (EN)
Stadthaus, Großer Saal, 1st floor
Moderation: Ines Lima Rodrigues, Ana Vaz Milheiro
11:30 Stakeholder Workshop
Muge Akkar Ercan, Turkey
11:45 Ageing Communities
Benjamin Leclercq, France
12:00 Evaluation & Criticism
Luisa Smeragliuolo, Italy
12:00 Protection of MCMH in Madrid
Ramos Peraza, Spain
12:30 Final Diskussion
12:45 Journal Launch
Docomomo Journal MCMH-EU
Docomomo International
12:55 Closing Statements
13:00 Get Together / End
Cold Brunch
Tourguide: Petra Schwerdtner
Meeting Point: Stadthaus Entrance
14:00 -17:00 Walking Tour Historic City Frankfurt (English)
17:30 Exhibition Opening
Rediscovering Forgotten Masterpieces
Photos and videos of the project Shared Heritage Afrika (SHA)
Werkbund Gallery, Weckmarkt 5, 60311 Frankfurt
Stadthaus Seminar room 2. OG / hybrid (online-participation possible)
Interested Non-Members are warmly welcome!
14:30 -17:00 General Assembyl docomomo Germany e.V.
Forum Neues Frankfurt + emg Hadrianstraße 5 60439
FFM U-Bahn: Nordwestzentrum/ Römerstadt
9:00 - 11:00 Field Trip 1 (DE-EN)
Walking Tour:
MCMH Case Study
11:00 - 13:00 Field Trip 2 (DE-EN)
Walking Tour:
MCMH Case Study