Alcalá University Training School

16mar(mar 16)1:00 am19(mar 19)1:00 amAlcalá University Training SchoolTRAINING SCHOOLSDue to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and following the instructions of the Community of Madrid to suspend all educational activities, the Training School was cancelled. We will have new dates once the situation is stable.UPCOMINGUpcoming Training Schools

Event Details

Public housing policies for rehousing: Development, valuation and future. Madrid as a paradigm.

Coordination: Paz Núñez-Martí & Roberto Goycoolea-Prado

MCMH-EU COST Action is pleased to announce the call for applications for the Training School, which will be held in Madrid, Spain between 16 th and 19 th of March 2020.
The general objective of the Training School is to learn about the public policies on collective housing applied in Madrid in the second half of the 20th century and to evaluate their social, urban and political suitability by analysing unique cases from different periods.

For more information about the Training School [programme].



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1st day at Haifa