Seminar "Lieux Et Enjeux"

15marAll Day16Seminar "Lieux Et Enjeux"Evolution of collective spaces in Mass HousingUPCOMINGUpcoming Seminar

Evolution of collective spaces in Mass Housing

Event Details

Evolution of collective spaces in Mass Housing

In the post-war period, modern architects, influenced by the C.I.A.M. congresses (1928-1959), were called upon to build large housing estates. Inspired by the experience of the HBM and the “Cit s Jardins” of the 1920s, they marked a profound change in the relationship of architecture to the city.

In terms of composition, in the name of hygiene, good orientation and ventilation, they paid almost exclusive attention to built volumes and housing to the detriment of outdoor spaces. In addition, pre-industrialization and the economy of construction led to repetition and craneways, thus developing an angular urbanism. From the beginning of the 1960s, a widespread discourse denounced the ‘dysfunctions’ of large housing estates.

While the access to healthy housing and the social project of the large housing estates satisfied the working classes, it denounced the degradation of the exterior space, the segregation of the population, violence and anomie… The problems resulting from the dilation of space and the disappearance of public spaces were considered by Team X and the promoters of the new towns.

The “politique de la ville” in France and today the urban renewal carried out by the ANRU (The National Urban Renewal Agency in France) include programs for the rehabilitation of large housing estates built in the 1950s and 1970s. They include a reflection on the development of the interface between private and outdoor spaces, whether they are private, public or collective.

Through this seminar, the idea is to put into perspective the story of the birth of these new collective spaces that make up the large housing estates in France and in Europe, the importance that was given to them in the planning processes and then in the rehabilitation operations and the degrees of investment and appropriation on the part of the inhabitants and the residents but also to explore collective spaces as source or theater of conflicts and living together.

Session organised by: Ahmed Benbernou, Yankel Fijalkow, Hélène Hatzfeld, Bernard Haumont, Manel Khemici, Benjamin Leclercq, Aurélien Ramos, Aurore Reynaud, Clara Sandrini.


Day 1: March, 15th Morning, 9:00 (C.E.T.)

9:30 Introduction by Philippe Bach, Yankel Fijalkow, Sabrina Bresson and Ahmed Benbernou

9:50 Bernadette Blanchon, ENSPV (France)
Mass housing landscapes: a little-known heritage, a current potential

10:10 Giulio Galasso and Natalia Voroshilova, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
Fragility and resource: The gardens of post-war Milanese middle-class housing today

10:30 Discussion time

10:50 Bernard Haumont, CRH-LAVUE (France)
Beautification and livelyness in the public areas

11:10 Eveline Althaus, ETH Wohnforum (Switzerland)
Policies, practices, playgrounds – (Trans)formation of collective spaces in postwar high-rise estates in Switzerland

11:30 Discussion time

11:50 Round table: Transversal reflection, open to the East-West dialectic in Europe moderated by Yankel Fijalkow and Clara Sandrini
– Ljubo Georgiev, Urban policies association Sofia (Bulgaria)
– Hélène Hatzfeld, CRH-LAVUE (France)
– Vlatko P. Korobar, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius (N. Macedonia)
– Els De Vos, University of Antwerp (Belgium)

13:00 Lunch at the CRH-LAVUE

15:00 Visit of Vigneux-sur-Seine
By Claire Doussard (AUSser-AHTTEP), Manel Khemici (CRH-LAVUE), Aur lien Ramos (CRH-LAVUE), Aurore Reynaud (CRH-LAVUE) and Vincent Richard (ENSA PVS)

Day 2: March, 16th Morning, 9:00 (C.E.T.)

9:30 Eva Storgaard, University of Antwerp (Belgium)
Psychological needs in large-scale dwelling developments

9:50 Benjamin Leclercq, CRH-LAVUE / UCLouvain (Belgium)
The reciprocal trial of “living together”, or the management of “incivilities” in large social housing estates tested by urban renewal

10:30 Claus Bech-Danielsen, Aalborg University (Denmark)
Colletive spaces in Danish postwar housing – ideologies in transformation

10:50 Discussion time

11:10 Ana Rafailovska, Jasmina Siljanoska and Vlatko P. Korobar, University “SS. Cyril and Methodius” (N. Macedonia)
Is the process of deterioration of collective open spaces in mass housing complexes from the second half of the XX reversible? Two narratives from Skopje, N. Macedonia

11:30 Lisa Kaufmann, Gie en, Liebig-University (Germany)
Outdoor Spaces and Local Identity in Densified Post-War Settlements

11:50 Discussion time

12:10 Denis Delbaere, ENSAPL (France)
The Social Housing Districts as laboratory of the Landscape (Meta)project

12:30 Audrey Courbebaisse, UCLouvain (Belgium)
Inhabitant Appropriations in Intermediate Spaces within the Large Housing Estates of Toulouse

12:50 Discussion time

13:10 Closing of the conference with the installation of the postcards resulting from the visits.



march 15 (Tuesday) - 16 (Wednesday)

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