III MCMH-EU Event – Virtual 8th/9th March

08mar(mar 8)9:00 am09(mar 9)7:30 pmIII MCMH-EU Event – Virtual 8th/9th MarchWORKSHOPS AND CONFERENCESZOOM Meeting ID: 841 7458 7148 / Password: 948166UPCOMINGUpcoming Workshops and Conferences

Event Details

8, 9 March (Start at 9 a.m. and end at 7:30 p.m.)- VIRTUAL format

Zoom Meeting ID: 841 7458 7148
Password: 948166
We are pleased to announce to you that our COST major conference for the year 2020/2021 will be held online, due to the health situation, for 2 days.


The first day is entirely devoted to the work of the WGs. The sessions are sequential so that members can participate in them all.

The second day is divided between:
Morning – three sessions in parallel, dedicated to members’ presentations through their WG, with pre-recorded presentations and debate.
Afternoon – dedicated to the management bodies: Core Group and MC Meeting.You can find the provisional program for the two days below.
For the members who are interested in sharing their work, please express your interest in writing to the leaders of your respective WG by 28/02:
For the WG1: Dr Ines Lima RODRIGUES & Prof Kostas TSIAMBAOS & Dr Dalit SHACH-PINSLY
For the WG2: Prof Els DE VOS & Prof Yankel FIJALKOW
For the WG3: Prof Uta POTTGIESSER & Prof Muge AKKAR ERCAN


8/03 – 1st day

9h30 – Welcome  – Ana Vaz Milheiro and Gaia Caramellino

10h00 – Opening lecture – 45-minute pre-recorded with Ljiljana Blagojevic, “Housing Complex, Reality Check”

11.00-13.00 – WG 1  Meeting
Presentation of the group’s activities and discussion with the different WG members.
The presentations can be made by the leaders and vice-leaders or else delegated.

1. Short introduction of WG-members (15’) – Inês/ALL
2. Tasks and Deliverables WG 1 (10’) – Inês
3. Analyses from TEMPLATE #1 (15’) – Vlatko
4. Presentation TEMPLATE #2 (15’) – Alessandra & Francesca
5. GIS Workshop MCMH-EU (15’) – Dalit
6. Open networking tools – (15’) Kostas
7. Discussion and next steps (45’) – ALL

13h00 – lunch break

14h00-16h00 – WG 2 Meeting
Presentation of the group’s activities and discussion with the different WG members.
The presentations can be made by the leaders and vice-leaders or else delegated.

1. Short introduction of WG 2-members (15’) – Els/ALL
2. Tasks and Deliverables WG 2 (templates)
3. Presentation of the 2 pictures (1 on Middle Class Housing (folder 1) and 1 on Middle Class Mass Housing (folder 2) in: https://private.mcmh.eu/working-group-2-development-of-a-specific-set-of-concepts-for-mcmh-analyses/  ) +
definition of the two terms  – ALL
4. Presentation of the general template of COST – Inês, Alessandra &/or Francesca  (14.15–14.30)
5. Discussion and next steps (30’) – ALL

16h00 – coffee break

16h15-18h15 – WG 3 Meeting
Presentation of the group’s activities and discussion with the different WG members.
The presentations can be made by the leaders and vice-leaders or else delegated.

1. Short introduction of WG-members (15’) – Uta/ALL
2. Tasks and Deliverables WG 3 (10’) – Uta
3. Posterbook R1 (25’) – Ahmed, Luisa, Olga
4. Policies collecting R3 (10’) – Muge
5. Contribution Case-Study-Template (10’) – Muge
6. Discussion and next steps (20’) – ALL

18h15-19h15 – Roundtable involving all the COST members coordinated by the 3 WG leaders.

1. Discussion Template#2 (in order to close it);
2. Proposal for a “GLOSSARY”;
3. Overlapping the Mapping of “Research Posters” and “Case Studies”;
4. Other issues arising from the WGs meetings.

9/03 – 2st day

10h00-12h30 – Parallel Sessions Programs (WG1, 2 and 3) 

Pre-recorded presentations of up to 10 minutes by COST members.
COST members interested in sharing their work should express their interest to the 3 WG leaders. Recordings of presentations should be sent by 05/03. The following topics are considered as hypotheses: group or individual research, PhD projects and thesis, book releases and/or presentations, chapters articles, videos, etc. in the framework of the European MCMH.

1. Presentations (30’)
Konstantina Kalfa (IT)
– Ana Vaz Milheiro + Leonor Matos Silva (PT). Teaching experiencesMCMH – The ideal home: student confinement video records
– Still place for extra presentations
2.     Discussion (30’) – ALL
3.     Task + Responsibilities (30’) – ALL

1. Adrienne Csizmady & Zsuzsanna Fáczányi, Community Gardening in Large Housing Estates in Budapest (HUN)
2. Sandra Marques Pereira, Yankel Fijalkow, Clara Sandrini (authors), Claire Roch (music). “Lisbon and Paris. Mass Housing for the Middle Classes” (FRA-PT)
3. Gaia Caramellino and Filippo De Pieri,”Writing the History of Post-war Housing Complexes and Neighborhoods. A Take on Research Strategies and Methodologies” (IT)
4. Discussion (30’) – ALL
5. Task + Responsibilities (30’) – ALL

1. Presentations (30’)
– Frederico Zanfi and Laura Daglio (IT)
– Sandra Treija and Alisa Koroļova (LV)
– Rachelle Alterman and Nuriel Or (IS)
2. Discussion (30’) – ALL
3. Task + Responsibilities (30’) – ALL

12h30 – lunch break

13h30 – Core group meeting
Each member of the core group will make a summary presentation of that year’s activities, what has failed and can be improved, of proposals for the new year (starting May 2021).
These presentations can be pre-recorded or live.
Discussion and agreement on the plan of activities.

15h30 – coffee break

16h00 – MC meeting
Summary presentation of the activities introduced on the site. Chair and Vice-Chair.
Proposed activities for next year – taking into account the constraints of the pandemic (which reduce COST’s conventional activities)
Presentation and discussion on the new plan related with ongoing 2nd Grant period (until Oct. 2021) and the correspondent Budget.

18h00 – Closing lecture – 1h20 -minute pre-recorded with Monique Eleb, “Enseigner la vraie maison en France au XXe siècle”

19h20-19h30 – Closing



8 (Monday) 9:00 am - 9 (Tuesday) 7:30 pm

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